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Mood Swings As An Addiction Symptom

Written by RxMedia | Aug 24, 2024 3:12:12 AM

Mood swings can come and go, but sometimes, these emotional shifts can be a red flag for underlying addiction symptoms. Addiction may reveal itself through emotional instability, with unpredictable highs and lows being one of the telltale signs. Understanding this connection is crucial because it highlights how addiction can impact not just the body but also the mind, making it all the more important to recognize and address these symptoms early on.

Source: Pacific Crest Trail Detox

What Are Mood Swings?

Mood swings are abrupt shifts in your emotional state. You may be familiar with normal emotional fluctuations. For example, being upset after your expectations at work have been unmet. 

On the other hand, mood swings are typically intense, rapid, and unpredictable. It may range from extreme happiness to similarly extreme sadness, irritability, or anger. They occur within short periods and may not always have a clear trigger. 

The Connection Between Addiction And Mood Swings

Mood swings are a common addiction symptom. When do they usually show up?

Chemical Imbalances

Addiction disrupts your reward system, which is a network of several neurotransmitters crucial for bodily function. These include dopamine and serotonin. 

Dopamine plays a crucial role in your sense of motivation and pleasure. Your brain experiences a dopamine surge after you take drugs or drink alcohol. However, an abrupt absence of these can cause depression, fatigue, and a lack of motivation. 

On the other hand, serotonin is crucial for mood regulation, calmness, and happiness. When addiction disrupts serotonin production, you may experience anxiety, irritability, and difficulty sleeping.

Dependency And Withdrawal

As you consume addictive substances, your brain begins to adapt to their presence. This leads to a phenomenon called dependence–a state where your body relies on these substances to function. 

So when you stop using these substances, your body reacts to their absence via withdrawal symptoms. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Mood swings. You may experience abrupt shifts between anxiety, irritability, depression, anger, and euphoria.
  • Cravings. Intense urges to smoke a cigarette, drink a glass, or reach for a joint can be overwhelming. 
  • Physical symptoms. Withdrawal may also cause nausea, headaches, tremors, and fatigue. 

Source: Pexels 

How Mood Swings Affect Daily Life

Mood swings can significantly disrupt your daily life. Here are some of the various aspects they may affect:


Unpredictable mood swings may put a strain on your relationships. This is because frequent shifts in your emotional state may cause tension, misunderstandings, and conflicts with your loved ones. 

Understand that you may have difficulty dealing with your emotional turmoil, causing some erratic behavior. Your friends and family may find it challenging to cope with such inconsistencies. As a result, you may notice them feeling frustrated with you or withdrawing from your presence.

Work And Productivity

It can be strenuous to maintain focus and concentration on your tasks when you’re experiencing rapid emotional fluctuations. You may feel exhausted one second and angry at your bosses the next. As a result, you might struggle with completing tasks, meeting deadlines, and collaborating with your colleagues. 

Mental Health

Mood swings are often associated with other mental health conditions. Anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder all involve mood fluctuations. You may be familiar with fear of impending dangers, loss of interest, or an overwhelming mixture of mania and sadness. Addiction can exacerbate these episodes. Substances can make these more frequent and intense.

Source: Pacific Crest Trail Detox

Recognizing Mood Swings As A Symptom of Addiction

You need to understand how to differentiate between what’s normal and not. Here are two activities you could practice to distinguish mood swings as an addiction symptom:

Signs To Look For

If you’re experiencing frequent and intense mood swings, it may be helpful to pay attention to other symptoms that indicate an underlying problem. Some common signs are the following:

  • Sudden behavioral changes.
  • Extreme highs and lows. 
  • Increased isolation.
  • Neglect of responsibilities.



It’s challenging to recognize an addiction symptom in yourself. After all, the most difficult portion of addiction is admitting you have a problem. Consider taking the time to self-reflect and ask yourself the following questions. Remember to answer honestly.

  • Have you noticed a change in your mood and behavior after using a certain substance?
  • Are your mood swings interfering with your daily life, relationships, and work?
  • Have you tried stopping using this substance, but thought that it was too difficult?
  • Do you feel like you need this substance to function normally?


If you answered “yes” to more than one of these questions, it might be wise to consider addiction treatment and withdrawal treatment.

Addressing Mood Swings In Addiction Recovery

Addiction treatment is a series of challenges, and managing your mood swings is one of them. The journey will be rough, but remember that there are several treatment options available.

Detox And Withdrawal Management

Medically assisted detox and withdrawal are often accompanied by intense mood swings. You’ll experience anxiety, irritability, depression, and even euphoria. Professional medical supervision will also be crucial to manage your physical withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, tremors, and insomnia. 

Therapy And Counseling

Therapy provides you with a safe space to explore any emotional turmoils you may experience during addiction treatment. On the other hand, counseling will help you gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of your mood swings. These root causes can range from underlying trauma to self-esteem issues.

By working with professional therapists, you can develop healthy coping strategies to regulate your emotions and prevent relapse. 

Medication And Treatment Options

In some cases, medication may be necessary to stabilize your moods during addiction recovery. Antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and anxiety medications help manage severe mood swings that interfere with your recovery. You may also receive complementary therapies to reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote your overall well-being. 

Work closely with your doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. This means being honest with your doctors about your addiction history, substance use, and medication effects. 

Source: Freepik

In Conclusion

While it’s normal to experience emotional fluctuations, it may be worth considering treatment if the severity and frequency of your mood swings are damaging. Otherwise, emotional instability can affect your relationships, work productivity, and overall mental health. 

Strive to recognize mood swings as an addiction symptom and seek professional help. You could opt for detoxification, therapy, or medication to manage your struggles. There’s no one-size-fits-all addiction treatment, so take comfort in working with your doctors for a personal approach.

When you’re ready to begin, reach out to us at Pacific Crest Trail Detox to form that personal treatment plan and start a safe drug detox in Portland!