Want to learn about what it is like to detox from Tramadol? We walk through a typical example and demonstrate the timeline and symptoms you can expect when detoxing from Tramadol. Understanding how Tramadol detox is possible will encourage you or a loved one to recover from Tramadol abuse in a safe and supportive environment.

What Is Tramadol?

Tramadol is a synthetic opiate that is marketed as a safer treatment for pain when compared to drugs with a higher abuse potential such as OxyContin and Vicodin. This narcotic is available by prescription only and is commonly prescribed as Ultram, Rybix, or ConZip. Tramadol is a strong painkiller and is used to relieve moderate to severe pain after an operation or a serious injury. It can also be effective in treating long-standing pain if taken as directed when weaker painkillers no longer work.

Tramadol Side Effects

Some of the negative effects of taking Tramadol are agitation and nervousness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, or headache. Some of these side effects may decrease after a person has been using it for a while.

Additionally, long-term Tramadol use is associated with liver and kidney damage and high doses of Tramadol have been known to cause liver failure.

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Tramadol Addiction

There are over 200,000 cases per year of opioid addiction or dependence in the United States, and there is a high risk for addiction and dependence on Tramadol. Opioids such as Tramadol, are prescribed to treat pain. It is common that with prolonged use, the pain-relieving effects may lessen as a person builds up a tolerance to the drug, and the pain worsens. Addiction occurs when dependence interferes with daily life and can produce significant and behavioral changes due to compulsive drug seeking and obsession with using. When Tramadol is used for a long time, it can become habit-forming, causing mental and physical dependence, which in turn, cause withdrawal symptoms and make it difficult to stop taking it. Symptoms of addiction include uncontrollable cravings and inability to control Tramadol use even though it is having negative effects on personal relationships or finances.

Tramadol and Alcohol

There are no recommendations for the safe use of Tramadol and alcohol together and there are a few potential dangers that can occur when people mix them. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant like Tramadol, but it operates on different neurotransmitters. When a person mixes different central nervous system depressants, it produces a synergism of the effects of both drugs. Often, the effects of the drugs are enhanced, meaning that the common effects of taking either drug individually become significantly increased when both are used in combination. There are several potential side effects associated with the use of Tramadol and drinking alcohol can increase the potential that these will occur as well as increase the likelihood of Tramadol overdose.

Tramadol Withdrawal

Opioid dependence causes withdrawal symptoms, which makes it difficult to stop taking them. Tramadol works a little differently than comparable narcotics by not only activating opioid receptors in the brain but also by blocking neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine from being reabsorbed back into the system. This is why Tramadol withdrawal may take two different forms: traditional opioid withdrawal syndrome or atypical opioid withdrawal syndrome.

In general, opioid withdrawal symptoms usually occur within about 12 hours of the last dose. Tramadol withdrawal symptoms may feel similar to the flu and also include:

• Runny nose/tearing up
• Sweating/yawning
• Muscle and body aches
• Trouble sleeping/insomnia
• Anxiety/restlessness
• Agitation/irritability
• Racing heart
• Hypertension
• Chills/goosebumps
• Stomach pain/cramping
• Diarrhea/stomach cramps
• Vomiting/loss of appetite
• Difficulties concentrating or thinking clearly
• Depression

The severity of a person’s Tramadol withdrawal symptoms will vary based on many factors but are most likely to peak within a few days and then taper off. The psychological withdrawal side effects may take a little longer to subside.

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Tramadol Detox with PCTD

We are here to help with your Tramadol detox!

If after reading this you or someone you love would like to speak with us about joining our detox program, please give us a call at (844) 692-7528 and speak with one of our caring admission staff at Pacific Crest Trail Detox, LLC.

We offer high-quality, affordable, and compassionate support for individuals looking to end their Tramadol addiction and overcome the struggles of physical and psychological withdrawal. Our employment of traditional detoxification services includes both medication and clinical interventions, to facilitate as smooth and comfortable of a transition into sobriety as possible. We provide a private home setting, which allows each client to have the most comfortable experience possible. Additionally, we offer 24-hour monitoring from trained and professional staff. Lastly, our facility adheres to high standards of clinical care.

Contact us for detox help today.