Once an individual has made the brave and conscious decision to stop drinking, the very next step is to evaluate the need for alcohol detox. At this point, there needs to be some consideration in the individuals drinking, namely the amount which they are drinking first and foremost, the frequency at which they drink.

As we begin with examining drinking patterns, we first start, like with most things, with the differences. Moreover, this is where we find a difference between someone who is engaging in heavy alcohol use, and someone who is binge drinking. According to SAMHSA, binge drinking is defined as “a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL. This typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for men—in about 2 hours.” If this pattern continues with the same amount of drinks for 5 days or more, that is when we would consider the individual to be engaging in heavy alcohol use.

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Alcohol Detox Symptoms of Withdrawal

As these drinking patterns become more consistent, the chance of alcohol withdrawal symptoms become more likely, and the individual also needs to start becoming aware of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. In addition, detoxing from alcohol abuse is often times not medically suggested, seeing as how withdrawal from alcohol has a good potential to be fatal. The following signs are indicative of the most common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, which typically are experienced in people who have drank heavily for 7 to 34 days:

As these symptoms subside, so does the need for a medical detox center. However, if these symptoms continue, as they often do with major withdrawal symptoms indicative of those who have been drinking heavily or alcoholically for several, consecutive years, it becomes absolutely vital for one to seek out detox programs. The following examples are typical of one experiencing major withdrawal symptoms as a result of drinking, which can develop within 48 to 87 days of consecutive drinking:

For those individuals who have made the choice to quit drinking, it’s important to understand these symptoms are only temporary. However, some will fade with time, and others will need to monitored and/or treated through medical detox. However, this depends on severity of drinking habits and length of drinking history.

Recover at Pacific Crest Trail Detox

First and foremost, it’s our goal at Pacific Crest Trail Detox to successfully detox the struggling alcoholic. Furthermore, to educate and inform the individual and their families about the dangers of alcohol withdrawal. As a result, the individual will be set up for ultimate success along their road to recovery.

-J. Dalton Williams


“Drinking Levels Defined.” (n.d.). Retrieved June 02, 2017, from  https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/moderate-binge-drinking

Inaba, Darryl S. Cohen, William E. Uppers, Downers, All Arounders: Physical and Mental Effects of Psychoactive Drugs. 8th ed. CNS Productions, INC. 2014.